• Please be friendly and engaging in your initial email communication. First impressions make lasting impressions!

    Please fill out the booking form in its entirety, so the whole process goes smoothly and we can move on to the good stuff, like you, me, and maybe a bottle of bubbly!

    The more info you provide for screening (references, verification site handles, real world info) will be helpful in getting our date booked as quickly as possible.

  • Screening is for my safety as well as yours.

    I will either ask for a photo of your ID and a selfie of you holding the ID close to your face, OR 2 well-established companion references’ names & websites, OR your work website/LinkdIn with your direct work email address. You can choose which verification mode on my booking form.

    No personal information is stored except for your contact email address.

  • It’s a touchy subject, but we do need to talk about it! I can smell what most people can’t, so if you think it’s clean, wash again, please! My incall is stocked with mints, mouthwash, men’s soap, etc. I make sure I’m pristine when meeting you. Turnabout is fair play, and makes for better foreplay!

    Please REFRAIN from using cologne, aftershave, anything with a strong fragrance. My preference is fresh out of the shower, clean.

  • For deposits, I accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Amazon E-gift cards only. Cash for any balance remaining.

    For overnights and weekend trips, bank checks, money orders and cash are preferred. Deposits may be asked for on a case by case basis for new clients.

  • Things happen and that’s life, but please know I set this time aside just for you, cancel/reschedule other engagements, spend hours preparing for the date and securing an incall. Hiring sitters, making travel and lodging plans for us, etc. As with any business, enough notice is appreciated if you’ll need to reschedule.  Please make it right for the missed time and lost money on empty rooms, etc.

    Cancelling after confirmation, you will forfeit your deposit. Cancelling within 48 hours of the day of your appointment will incur a 50% fee. Cancelling within 24 hours of the day of your appointment will incur a 100% fee. If you’re a chronic canceler, or you refuse to make a cancellation right, there will be a 50% rebooking fee for our next date. I blacklist for chronic tardiness and cancellations. Please be aware of this.

  • I strongly prefer our personal time together not be publicized for the entire world to see, however, I do understand the importance of reviews for the sake of legitimacy, therefore, from time to time I will accept tasteful reviews written on Private Delights and TER. Please ask my permission and inform me of your review board handle prior to writing the review so that I do not have it removed, assuming it’s a fake. Thank you for understanding!

  • I’m happy to serve as your reference. I give 1 free reference per month. Then it’s $20 for any additional reference requests. If you’ve met with other companions AFTER meeting me, please use common sense and use them as your most recent reference. I refrain from giving references at all if it’s been over 6 months since our last visit.

    If you’d like unrestricted reference requests, join my “Monthly Arrangement” regulars program found on my Consideration page. The more you visit with me, the more references I’ll give, free of charge.